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Recording King RK-R75 The Elite Available Now
Hello Ross, and crew! Been playing my RK75 since last May now, and just received a set of Nick Picks ...
Cheat-A-Keys Cam D-Tuners for Banjo
Everything has arrived well 2 days ago - ultra speedy transatlantic shipment, fantastic items, best ...
Gold Tone OB-250 Plus with JLS Tone Ring
Great banjo,just received it a couple days ago and it looks and sounds great. Thanks Ross for all yo ...
Wood Banjo Armrest Curly Maple One Size Fits All Glossy or Satin
I just received my armrest in perfect condition,I put on in like 4 minutes! I love it much bette ...
Gold Tone OB-150 Bluegrass Banjo with Brass Flathead Tone Ring
I received my OB150 safe and sound. It looks, plays and sounds great! Thank you for your guidance as ...
Recording King RK-R75 The Elite Available Now
I just wanted to thank you for the RK-75. It arrived on Friday in great shape. The banjo set-up wa ...
Lakota 2 inch or 3 inch Cradle Strap
I got the strap and was truly pleased. Super nice piece of American Bison leather. Unsurpassed quali ...


We have the best price on weissenborn guitars. We carry hawaiian lap steel guitars too.

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Koa Weissenborn - (Style 4 Plus) Through a friend of a friend Goldtone was able to acquire enough quality Koa for 100 pieces of Style 4. This model is designed by Richard Barnes, the world’s authority on repair of Weissenborns.  This will be the most accurate replica of Herman’s original model with a shellac finish. Includes hard shell case.  Includes...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Resophonic Guitar -  Eight String Lap Steel Guitar Back in the 50's when Lap Steels were in their hey day, the Oahu Tonemaster® was the lap of choice among professionals. Our LS is a vintage replica of this famous instrument.Back in the 50's when Lap Steels were in their hey day, the Oahu Tonemaster® was the lap of choice among professionals. Our LS is a...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    SM-Weissenborn+: Hawaiian-Style Slide Guitar The mahogany back, sides and neck of the SM+ are beautifully set off by original-style maple/mahogany "rope" bindings and a rich honey brown finish. Because of the Weissenborn guitar's original-style construction, due care must be taken to use the correct tunings and string gauges in order to avoid bridge,...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
     Resophonic Guitar - Weissenborn Style 4 The Style 4+ is the most accurate production-made replica of a Style 4 Weissenborn acoustic lap steel to date. Goldtone acquired 100 sets of genuine Hawaiian Koa, the original wood chosen by designer and luthier Herman Weissenborn, and built these fine instruments to the exact specifications as the highly...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Gold Tone LM Weissenborn Laminated Mahogany The Weissenborn Hawaiian steel, a platapus among guitars to the uninitiated, is an instrument brilliantly and specifically conceived for Hawaiian playing.The Weissenborn Hawaiian steel, a platapus among guitars to the uninitiated, is an instrument brilliantly and specifically conceived for Hawaiian playing....
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