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Recording King RK-R75 The Elite Available Now
Hello Ross, and crew! Been playing my RK75 since last May now, and just received a set of Nick Picks ...
Cheat-A-Keys Cam D-Tuners for Banjo
Everything has arrived well 2 days ago - ultra speedy transatlantic shipment, fantastic items, best ...
Gold Tone OB-250 Plus with JLS Tone Ring
Great banjo,just received it a couple days ago and it looks and sounds great. Thanks Ross for all yo ...
Wood Banjo Armrest Curly Maple One Size Fits All Glossy or Satin
I just received my armrest in perfect condition,I put on in like 4 minutes! I love it much bette ...
Gold Tone OB-150 Bluegrass Banjo with Brass Flathead Tone Ring
I received my OB150 safe and sound. It looks, plays and sounds great! Thank you for your guidance as ...
Recording King RK-R75 The Elite Available Now
I just wanted to thank you for the RK-75. It arrived on Friday in great shape. The banjo set-up wa ...
Lakota 2 inch or 3 inch Cradle Strap
I got the strap and was truly pleased. Super nice piece of American Bison leather. Unsurpassed quali ...

Bluegrass Banjos DVDs 

Bluegrass Banjo DVDs

DVD bluegrass banjo lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced players. A wide variety of Banjo DVDs covering Scruggs Style, Clawhammer, Frailing, Old-time,  4-string tenor or plectrum dixieland and Irish Tenor Banjo.

These DVDs are hand chosen and we feel they give students the best chance of success. Everything from...

Showing 1 - 18 of 18 items
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (10)
    Playing Banjo By Ear and Using the Chords by Ross Nickerson From the private teaching and workshops I have been doing especially of late, this subject matter is what students have strongly expressed a desire to improve on. I'm not sure what more to tell you except I'm confident these DVDs will be of great benefit. Ross NickersonThe content on the DVDs...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (10)
    Banjo Play Along Practice DVD With Bonus Video Learning the Chord Forms Up and Down the Neck Learn how to play along with me by ear using only the chords to the song on 7 important standards. Each song is played at 3 tempos and you can loop them over and over. There is nothing better for your playing than repetitions. This is the way to learn to play by...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (4)
    Essential Banjo Licks DVD with Tablature by Ross Nickerson Eight different categories of "Must Know" Essential Banjo LicksThis DVD features over 100 useful and fun banjo licks that are essential to your knowledge and development. It was filmed using high quality split screen so you can see both hands and features the licks played at a faster and slow...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (5)
    How To Practice the Banjo DVD by Ross Nickerson Banjo Practice Habits Instruction Learn how to practice banjo more effectively and improve your banjo practice habits with Ross Nickerson's complete banjo instruction DVD, How to Practice Banjo.What could be more practical and useful than to receive guidance on the one subject that will ultimately define...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (13)
    Beginning the 5-String Banjo by Ross Nickerson Learn How to Play the Banjo Everything you'll need to know to learn how to play banjo "right" from the beginning! Includes DVD and Two CDs Ross Nickerson has the best beginner banjo book for students just starting out. His approach to teaching beginning bluegrass banjo will get you picking and grinning...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (4)
    Rock Solid Banjo Timing and Back Up Banjo Instruction DVD By Ross Nickerson High Quality Split Screen Video and PDF Tablature Book Learn and improve your banjo timing and then receive valuable instruction and demonstrations on playing banjo backup with Ross Nickerson's Rock Solid Banjo Timing and Backup DVD.  When you boil it all down, understanding...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (2)
    $19.95 $24.95
    Reduced price!
    Learn to Play the Melody on the Banjo Easier Beginner Bluegrass Banjo Songs to help Beginner Banjo students learn to play the melody easier on a 5-string banjo. The Banjo Songs for Beginners Book/DVD/CD set is perfect for improving your ability to play the melody on a 5-string bluegrass banjo. I chose recognizable and easy to hear tunes to help you...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (3)
    Playing in the Keys of C, D, E, F and G Up the Neck DVD By Ross Nickerson Play Banjo in Different Keys Easier while in Open G Tuning with No Re-tuningLearn how to play banjo in different keys while in Standard G tuning Ross simplifies this difficult transition and makes it easy to transpose what you know already to these other keys. There are many...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Purchase 12 Ross Nickerson DVDs for $149 and receive Free US Shipping. Normal DVD price is 29.95 per DVD.Buy all 12 DVDs for one low price of $199 Here are links to details for each Ross Nickerson SetGospel Songs for Banjo - Book/DVD/CDFundamentals of Five String Banjo - Book/DVD/CDsBanjo Songs for Beginners - Book/DVD/CDPlaying Banjo By Ear & Learning...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Purchase 5 Ross Nickerson Banjo Instruction DVDs for a discount of 49.75 and receive Free US Shipping too.DVD Discount Package 1 Click on the link to get more information about each titleFundamentals of Five String Banjo - Book/DVD/CDsBanjo Songs for Beginners - Book/DVD/CDPlaying Banjo By Ear & Learning Chords - DVDBanjo Jamming and Play Along -...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (8)
    The Banjo Song Book by Ross Nickerson Learn Dueling Banjos and other favorite bluegrass banjo songs from and Ross Nickerson with easy to read and use Book, CD and DVD. High Quality DVD with split screen technology showing both hands close up. Both the DVD and Audio CD demonstrate each song at slow, medium and "up to speed" tempo for...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (6)
    Rhythm Backup Band to Play Banjo Along With Make Practice Fun! Learn to play with others on banjo with your own backup band! Practice banjo songs over and over with this Bluegrass Backup Band CD. Practicing banjo by playing along gives you the experience confidence you need to play banjo in a jam session or in a group situation.   Practice songs over and...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    Gospel songs for Banjo is a collection of popular Gospel Songs arranged by banjo master Ross Nickerson All Lesson demonstrations are slowed down for easy learning The tablature is big, easy to read and includes left and right hand fingering indications, as well as accent marks for melody notes too. Also in the book is the chords for each song, instruction...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (6)
    Make Practice Fun! Learn to play with others on banjo with your own backup band!Practice your banjo the fun way with these bluegrass backup tracks to practice your banjo with. Use the CD to simulate playing your banjo with a full bluegrass band with the freedom to try it over and over and get it right.Practice songs over and over at three different speeds...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    All arrangements are easy to play and learn. I wrote the arrangements so you could hear the melody clearly without having to be an advanced player to get the satisfaction of playing the song so you recognize the tune. These types of songs are excellent for your development because you know the tune so well, you will instinctively improve your own ability...
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (5)
    Learn Banjo Technique... "right" from the beginning!  - Learn the basics of 5-string bluegrass banjo playing "right" from the beginning.  Study with Ross Nickerson and get your banjo playing off to a good start. Learn Banjo technique correctly first and create good habits right from the start.Ross Nickerson covers all these subjects with you in a personal...
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    X Train Live in Tucson AZ
  • 0 1 2 3 4 (0)
    3.5 hours of banjo instruction on two discs, with tab bookletThis 2 DVD release from AcuTab begins with Ron explaining how he learned, and what resources have been useful to him, plus how he looks at both left and right hand patterns. AcuTab’s John Lawless leads him through a discussion of several topics, including tone production, Ron’s use of bends and...
Showing 1 - 18 of 18 items

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